Are You Worried About Your Child's School Work?

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Have you recently noticed that your child is not doing as well in his or her school work as he or she did in the past? Or, your child might have been struggling since the time he or she entered first grade. No matter the scenario, if you feel that your child is not reaching his or her own potential in academics, that probably dominates a lot of your thinking time. From having one-to-one conversations with your child to scheduling a parent-teacher conference, here are some ideas that might help you.

One-on-one Time With Your Child - Obviously, you have already probably been asking your child about his or her school days since the time he or she started formal education. However, have you ever sat down with your child to ask him or her questions that might make a huge difference? Consider taking your child somewhere where there won't be distractions that might occur in your home. For example, plan a picnic in a place where you know there won't be others to distract him or her.

Once you have decided on the best place to have your talk, think of things you might ask your child to get to the root of the problem. Find out if your child is finding that school is excessively hard for him or for her. Ask him or her if he or she feels threatened by other kids. Is there a personality conflict with your child's teacher? Because you probably know your child better than anybody else does, you will more than likely know exactly how to direct the conversation so that you can find out exactly what's limiting your child at school.

Arrange For A Parent-Teacher Conference - You more than likely attended the Meet The Teacher event that is usually held at the beginning of the school year, right? Because you have special concerns, think of meeting with your child's homeroom teacher. Remember that his or her time is limited, so you'll want to make excellent use of your time together. Write down questions and concerns that you have even before you meet with the teacher. Be open to recommendations your child's teacher will more than likely offer. For example, your child's teacher might recommend that your child meet with a teacher who works with kids who are lagging behind. If that happens, that teacher and the homeroom teacher will work closely with you to keep you abreast of how things are going. 
